The off-a-diet approach to nutrition

Reclaim your balanced relationship with food and your body through intuitive eating, mindfulness, and nutrient-dense nutrition.

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Diet-free Living

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Intuitive & Mindful Eating

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Nutritious Food

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Body & Mind Wellness



Intuitive & Mindful Eating

Multiple studies have shown that intuitive eating, especially when done mindfully, is the best way our body and mind can be nurtured. Some of the benefits include:

Healthier Eating Behavior

Intuitive and Mindful Eating significantly lower the odds of disordered eating behavior, like binge eating or chronic dieting.

Improved psychology

People who start eating intuitively and mindfully show improved levels of stress and anxiety and have better psychological and behavioral health.

Reliable Internal Cues

Intuitive and Mindful Eaters tend to have an increased awareness of physiological cues and a better reliance on hunger and satiety cues.

Less Body Image Concerns

People who eat intuitively and mindfully tend to have less shape, weight, and body image concerns, and an overall balanced relationship with their bodies.

Better Health Indicators

Studies show that intuitive and mindful eaters have a healthier lipid profile, better blood pressure and other health indicators.

Exercise for Health & Fun

Those who eat mindfully and intuitively tend to exercise for reasons that are not weight-related, like health and fun, which makes them more likely to turn exercise into a lifelong habit.

Why dieting may not be the right way for you any more

It results in disordered eating behaviour.

Long cycles of dieting may cause behaviours like binge eating, emotional eating, deprivations and restrictions or overeating and food obsession.

It creates a negative emotional response.

Unsuccessful diets or repeated weight regain may cause negative and persistent emotions like low self-esteem, feelings of failure, self-accusation and self-loathing.

It undermines your body's nourishment. ​

Dieting and restrictions, usually followed by overeating and over-indulging, are the exact opposite of the balance that the body needs for optimal wellness and health.

Sounds familiar?

If any of the above sounds like you, then you might need to try a different approach. Answer a short questionnaire and find out how much you have been affected by the diet mentality and whether an off-a-diet approach would probably be good for you.

Nutrient-dense eating

Food that is good for your body and your mind has nothing to do with calories.

We remove the stress caused by numbers and we focus on nutrients, taste, and health-supportive food choices.

Avocados - Food Library |

Food Library

How to make traditional Greek tzatziki |

Nutritious Recipes

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Nutrition Articles

Body & Mind Wellness

If we want to thrive in any area of our lives, we need to have a holistic approach on our wellness. Making peace with food and accepting the body that was gifted to us is just one piece of the puzzle. But the other pieces need our attention, too.

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My name is Eleni and I’m really happy you’re here. I created this website to help you stop your perpetual cycle of dieting and get on good terms with food and your body again.

As a non-diet nutrition coach, I continuously research, support and promote the off a diet approach which aims to promote health at all levels, rethink and reassess deeply rooted opinions about body image and nutrition, and reclaim a balanced relationship with food and the body.

As a woman who spent many years of her life clouded by the diet mentality, I completely understand how difficult it can be to shed the diet culture mindset and rebuild your relationship with food from square one. But we don’t strive for perfection. We strive for baby steps that can lead us to huge leaps in the long run.



Non-Diet Nutrition Coach